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donation thanks

Set up templates for generating thank you emails for donations received. These templates can include your organization's letterhead and signature, as well as pictures and text to make the emails visually appealing. It's a good idea to update these templates regularly to keep the emails fresh and engaging.

To capture donations or import them into the system, you can use a variety of methods, such as importing from a bank statement, accounting package, or spreadsheet. Once the donations are imported, you can go into each contact or organization and issue their thank you email. A merge feature can be used to automatically insert the donor's first name, last donation amount, and donation date into the email. You can edit the email to personalize it further, or simply send it as is. The goal is to show the donor that their donation is appreciated and will make a difference.

Before sending the thank you email to the donor, it's a good idea to send a test email to yourself to make sure everything looks and functions as expected. This is especially useful if you have made any changes to the email template.

Once you are comfortable with the process and the email templates, you can enable automatic thank you emails to be sent out automatically after each donation is received.

Video on how to create a donation thanks email

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