Grow and retain supporter interest with regular newsletters,

bulk messaging

and invites using In-Contact

One database of contacts to communicate in many ways without using multiple tools. Target specific groups without trying to keep contact lists synchronized.
Send newsletters to everyone, or send targetted emails to groups. Track sending and read statistics, whilst managing undeliverable contacts and enabling unsubscribe options.
Create Whatsapp groups on a dedicated device. Send invites to your established email database, or to a matching group of contacts. Grow your instant messaging ability through ongoing email invites.
Send Bulk SMS to groups of contacts. Personalize with first name. A separate subscription to BulkSMS is required, but avoid having to duplicate your contacts by using the integrated sending interface.
Invite contacts to register for an event or advertise on social media. Create a registraion form with dietary requirements etc. Export registrations. Send followups to registered and attended contacts.
Invite contacts to respond to a survey or advertise on social media. Design your survey form. Track responses and export results. Send a followup email to those who completed the survey.
Create a personalized letter template. with name and address, for posting. Useful for a welcome email and to request an email address. Create printed letters for groups of contacts and export to PDF.

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4Front Computing
65 Marion Avenue,
Glenashley, Durban